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How Often Should You Get Your Tires Rotated

How Often Should You Get Your Tires Rotated
Many Westwood, Dedham, and Needham, Massachusetts car owners may not know how often you should get your tires rotated. This question does not come up very often, yet it’s as necessary as your common oil change. Porsche Westwood wants to see you get the best investment from your car, so we’ll go over all the details about tire rotations.

When to Get Your Tires Rotated
Usually, service advisors recommend getting your tires rotated around the same time as an oil change. This timeframe could be around six months or twice a year. As for mileage, you should schedule this service every 5,000 to 8,000 miles, although this may depend on how and where you drive and your personal driving habits.
Review your owner’s manual to learn when it’s right for your car, and you may also consult with one of our knowledgeable service advisers. If you regularly take your car in for service, our staff may be more familiar with what suits your car best.

Technician Prepping for a Tire Rotation
Technician Looking at Tire
Why Your Car Needs a Tire Rotation
The front tires take the brunt of the drive and endure the impact of the road. Applying the brakes, taking turns, and carrying the load cause the front tires to deteriorate at a faster rate. Usually, the left front tire suffers the most, so it’s best to switch the rear tires with the front.
If you delay or skip tire rotations, they may eventually catch up with you. Your front tires could wear down sooner than necessary. Your front tires experience more friction between the road and the tires, so they will take on all that pressure. Your tires may end up being an uneven foursome, producing a wobbly, uneven ride.
When you schedule regular tire rotations approximately twice a year, you will not experience weak tire pressure and uneven wear and tear. You also will not experience excessive friction, slippage, or deficient performance.

Signs That You Need a Tire Rotation
If you’re not always on top of when to schedule tire rotations, you may need a reminder. Learning the signs that your tires could use a rotation may nudge you to take the next step to booking your appointment.

Tire Pressure

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Keep up with your tire pressure monitoring. If your tires maintain proper inflation, you’ll notice if one tire loses air more frequently. It could mean that your tires are wearing down at an uneven rate.

Vehicle Vibrations

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When driving at speeds exceeding 45 MPH, pay attention to how your car operates. If it shakes or vibrates while you’re moving, it may actually stem from the way the tires contact the road. You may need a tire rotation.

Worn Tires

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How do your tires look? Do the front tires appear to be wearing down while the rear ones do not? A tire rotation may be in order. The front and rear tires should wear out at a comparable rate to provide a smoother ride.

If you bypass tire rotations or forget them completely, your tires could sustain more damage than necessary. Driving on tires that wear down at different rates affects your car’s performance, can decrease gas mileage, and may put you and your passengers at risk.
Schedule a Tire Rotation at Porsche Westwood
Discover how often you should get your tires rotated for a reliably smooth ride throughout Westwood, Dedham, and Needham, MA. Schedule tire service at Porsche Westwood to maintain your car's performance.


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